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Body Evolve is described as a structural physiology integration technique that originated in Beijing, China. We look at the body as a whole and focus on the interconnections of the body how organs, what I call our filtration system shapes our body as we age. We manually flush organs, untwisting interconenctive tubes releasing pressure on the organ and structure while aligning, tendons, ligaments, muscles and the bones by gently adjusting their position by getting kinks out of the ligaments and untwisting tendons while the lymphatic system drains and neurological re-education occurs.

Our modality is a form of medical massage therapy that is ideal for addressing a wide variety of soft tissue injuries, both acute and chronic. It is both very comfortable to receive and very effective for pain relief and restoration of function.

We look forward to sharing these techniques and a wealth of knowledge about the human body with you in this course!

Introduction to Foundation of Self-Care

Kimberly Klein, expert medical massage therapist and founder of the SPMI, a structural integration technique that focuses on the interconnections of the body-aligning while the lymphatic system drains and neurological re-education occurs. She brings the foundations of her knowledge to support individuals that are pro-active with their self-care regimens.


Foundation of Self-Care

Discover how to feel better, understand your body, your organs and how it all ties to your quality of life. In this Foundation to Self-Care course Kimberly Klein teaches you to understand the basics of how the body works and gives you simple tips to feel better in our day-to-day life.

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